Easy to Use

Reliable Technologies POS is one of the most effortless POS to set up for your store. with leading industries along Reliable Technologies POS allows you to set suppliers for your product, raw material, Customer management, brand, and category.. Our answer is light and totally click-based at this point filled every one of the highlights required by stores on everyday premise with the goal that your group can without much of a stretch make it a piece of tasks. Also, you can set recipes for your designs in order to have control on how much raw material is used.


Inventory Management

Manage your inventory easily, you can categorize them, move them between warehouse and store, generate reports

Sales Management

Smart and interactive Sales register (POS) to register sales. Barcodes scanners can also be used to make the process easier.

Purchase & Stock

Manage your purchases, stock, and inventory more smartly and efficiently than ever before using Switcher Techno smart POS

Reports Management

You can slice and dice sales data in a variety of ways to determine what products are selling best using interactive reports


Over BARCODE scanner which is a hardware-based product would give you the Customized barcode to managed your print Record in the database POS System

Sales Return

You can record a returned sale that can be whole order or any particular item for an order is returned by the customer.